You can find on this page the Munich zipcodes map to print and to download in PDF. The Munich zip code map presents postal codes, address lookup and code list of Munich in Bavaria - Germany.

Munich postcodes map

Map of Munich zip codes

The Munich postcodes map shows all the zip codes of Munich. This zip code map of Munich will allow you to easily find postal codes and address lookup of Munich in Bavaria - Germany. The Munich postcode map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

In Munich, different postcodes (PLZ) apply depending on the district. The five-digit numbers for letters and parcels to the city districts range from postcode 80331 to postcode 81929 as you can see in Munich postcodes map. In Munich, the individual city districts also have several postal codes. Major recipients of Deutsche Post can have their own postal codes: Munich city administration, for example, has the postcode 80313, and BMW has its own postcode 80788. The filter search reveals which postal code belongs to which Munich district. Alternatively, you can also display which postal codes apply in which part of town.

The German word for "postcode" is "Postleitzahl". The abbreviated form is PLZ. All German postal codes are 5 digits long.The postcodes for Munich city begin with either 80 or 81 as its shown in Munich postcodes map. München Post Office Postcode is 81927. München is located in Bayern, Oberbayern, München Germany. The map coordinates of latitude and longitude for München 81927 are 48.1611, 11.6394.

In Germany, postcodes were introduced in 1941. Originally, they were composed of two digits and were used for parcel and packet services. Independent postal code system was developed in 1962 and 1965 in the Federal Republic in the GDR. Only in 1993, the two systems were connected to form a single, uniform system and so the five-digit postcode was introduced. Munich has several possible postcodes. Every postcode is also located in a region or a district, in case we know the district or region of the city is mentioned in Munich postcodes map.