You can find on this page the Munich transport map to print and to download in PDF. The Munich transportation map presents the transports network and transport zones of the transit of Munich in Bavaria - Germany.

Munich transports map

The Munich transport map shows all means of transportation in Munich. This transports map of Munich will allow you to move easily with public transport of Munich in Bavaria - Germany. The Munich transportation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

For its urban population of 2.6 million people, Munich and its closest suburbs have one of the most comprehensive and punctual transport systems in the world, incorporating the Munich U-Bahn (underground railway), the Munich S-Bahn (suburban trains), trams and buses as you can see in Munich transports map. The system is supervised by the Munich Transport and Tariff Association (Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH). The Munich tramway is the oldest existing public transportation system in the city, which has been in operation since 1876. Munich also has an extensive network of bus lines. Munich is an integral part of the motorway network of southern Germany. Motorways from Stuttgart (W), Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Berlin (N), Deggendorf and Passau (E), Salzburg and Innsbruck (SE), Garmisch Partenkirchen (S) and Lindau (SW) terminate at Munich, allowing direct access to the different parts of Germany, Austria and Italy.

The extensive network of subway and tram lines assist and complement pedestrian movement in the city centre. The 700m-long Kaufinger Strasse, which starts near the Main train station, forms a pedestrian east-west spine that traverses almost the entire centre as its shown in Munich transports map. Similarly, Weinstrasse leads off northwards to the Hofgarten. These major spines and many smaller streets cover an extensive area of the centre that can be enjoyed on foot and bike. The transformation of the historic area into a pedestrian priority zone enables and invites walking and biking by making these active modes of transport comfortable, safe and enjoyable. These attributes result from applying the principle of "filtered permability" which selectively restricts the number of roads that run through the centre. While certain streets are discontinuous for cars, they connect to a network of pedestrian and bike paths which permeate the entire centre. In addition, these paths go through public squares and open spaces increasing the enjoyment of the trip. The logic of filtering a mode of transport is fully expressed in a comprehensive model for laying out neighbourhoods and districts – the Fused Grid.

The main railway station is Munich Hauptbahnhof, in the city centre, and there are two smaller main line stations at Pasing, in the west of the city, and Munich Ostbahnhof in the east. All three are connected to the public transport system and serve as transportation hubs. ICE highspeed trains stop at Munich-Pasing and Munich-Hauptbahnhof only. InterCity and EuroCity trains to destinations east of Munich also stop at Munich East as its mentioned in Munich transports map. Since 28 May 2006 Munich has been connected to Nuremberg via Ingolstadt by the 300 km/h (186 mph) Nuremberg–Munich high-speed railway line. The trade fair transport logistic is held every two years at the Neue Messe München (Messe München International).

Munich zone map

The Munich zone map shows all transport zones in Munich. This zone map of Munich will allow you to know the prices of public transport of Munich in Bavaria - Germany. The Munich zones of transports map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The MVV area is divided into tariff zones as you can see in Munich zone map: Zone M covers the entire Munich city area and in some cases extends beyond it. Zones 1 to 6 cover the districts belonging to the MVV area. MVV area is now devided in seven tariff zones. The price of the Day Ticket depends on the station of Start and the station of destination. For tourists it is sufficient to buy a Day Ticket for the Munich city area = white zone M. All Munich sights (for example also the Allianz-Arena, Butenburg Castle in the west of Munich) are located in this zone. Zones 1 to 6 extend outwards around the zone M. Only, when you plan to take the S-Bahn to sights outside the city area (for example to Lake Starnberg, to Dachau or to Schleißheim Palace), you must determine which is the right ticket. The ticket-class and the price of the Day Ticket depend on the zone in which the farthest destination is located.

There are S-Bahn-stations that belong to two zones as its shown in Munich zone map. Depending on the direction in which you want to go, you can select the zone that gives the ticket with the cheaper price. On every ticket the valid zones are printed, e. g. „M“ for trips within zone M | „M-1“ for trips in zones M and 1 | „M-2“ for trips within zones M, 1 and 2. We recommend to have not only a plan with the colored zones with you, but in case of doubts to consult via computer or smartphone the Electronic Timetable Information on internet where you can see in addition to the driving connection the right ticket (M, M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4, M-5, M-6) and the ticket fare. There is also an app "MVG Fahrinfo Munich". At some ticket vending machines it is also possible to enter on the display the station where you start the trip and the destination station to get the right ticket class and the ticket fare.

A trip within one zone - for example in zone M - is the cheapest. A longer, cross-zone trip costs more. Single Trip Ticket (Einzelfahrt) good for one single trip into one direction, valid for three hours. Normal trip within Munich city area zone M 2, 30 Euro, for trips outside Munich the price is dependend on the zone of the destination as its mentioned in Munich zone map. A Single Trip Ticket can under special circumstances be cheaper than a Day Ticket, for example you arrive at Munich Central station in the evening and want to go by public transport means to your hotel = only one trip. There is also available a special version of the Single Trip Ticket: the Short Distance Ticket (Kurzstrecke), good for up to four stops on all transport means, but only two stops of these on U- or S-Bahn or Express Bus XBus, valid for one hour: 1,70 Euro. Press the button at the vending machine marked "K" = Kurzstrecke. Stripe Ticket (Streifenkarte). There is a small discount compared with Single Trip Tickets, you can save a few cents, but the handling is more complicated. So we advise, do not waste your time with the study of complicated rules to save just a few cents.